Saturday, February 13, 2010

Cheney vs. Obama

Usually I don't stoop to the political playing field as it seems to me to be barely above the level of a cesspool. But enough is enough already, Mr. Cheney!

Under your tutelage, you created a false flag operation that lined your pockets with millions of dollars while you washed your hands in the blood of thousands and thousands of innocent lives, American (9/11 & soldiers), Iraqi's and Afghans. You sent this nation into a war when we didn't have the equipment ready to fight and then you had the gall to step before our fighting troops and tell them to fight and die so you could enjoy the money they were buying for you at the price of their lives. That oil pipeline just had to get built didn't it?

If it weren't for your greed and lust for power, there may be no Osama Bin Laden right now, no Iraqi war, no Afghan war, no terrorist threat against the US and there certainly wouldn't have been a 9/11.

The blood drips from your hands because you have nothing better to do than to kill people. Is the Most Dangerous Game too easy for you now and you have to go starting wars? Give the runners a gun so they can shoot back and see how much more sporting that is. I will be glad to face you anytime, anywhere.

You and Bush cocreated the Politics of Fear and Greed and this country is sick of it. We don't need you or your kind or your kind of politics anymore. Go away and leave America alone. God took pretty well care of the good ole USA for 200 years and if we all turn back to Him now, He will do so again. Go back and crawl back into the hole you crawled out from under you reptile. Leave us alone.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Peer Group Expectations

Who you are, what you do, your lifestyle and the amount of success you achieve is largely a result of the expectations of your peer group.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

To Structure a Dream

No structure can be built without first being imagined.
No city can be established without first being envisioned.
No dream can be achieved without first being a dream.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Simple Steps to Massive Results

The size of your victory* is equivalent to the size of your vision, as strong as the strength of your plan, as certain as the size and caliber of your team, and is blessed according to the quality and degree of service it provides to others.

*victory = any goal you decide upon